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83 matching dive sites

The Pinnaclescuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 9 divers

The Pinnacle

Forster, Australia

Famous for large grey nurse sharks, turtles, large crayfish, schools of kingfish and yellowfin tuna. This is truly one of the great sites for advanced divers in NSW. The dive site is accessed by boat and there is a permanent mooring buoy here. Drop down the line and you are likely to be faced with a few of the gentle giants of the area - grey nurs...
The Moholescuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 7 divers

The Mohole

Byron Bay, Australia

The MoHole is small cave south of the Needles in the Julian Rocks marine park. With over 1000 recorded species of temperate, pelagic and tropic fish here, this is reknown as one of the most exiting dive spots in Australia if not the world. Manat rays, leopard sharks, 3 varieties of turtles and scuba diving with dolphins and whales is just the start...
Magic pointscuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 6 divers

Magic point

Sydney, Australia

Home to a colony of Grey Nurse Sharks all year round. The site consists two caves that sit opposite each other at about 20m depth. There is a sandy area in between that scuba divers can easily kneel on and observe all the action in front of the larger of the two caves. By swimming south east along the wall divers often report a diverse array of m...
Inner Latitudescuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 6 divers

Inner Latitude

Forster, Australia

This is Forster's most popular dive site. It’s relatively sheltered and there is a high chance of seeing grey nurse sharks, moray eels, loggerhead turutles, blue groper, eagle rays as well as the more lionfish, port jackson sharks and numerous other fish. Local dive centres love this site for getting recently qualified divers the they...
Sugar Wreckscuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 5 divers

Sugar Wreck

Perentian Islands, Malaysia

This 90 meter cargo ship sank in 2000, she now lies on her side at around 18 meters below. Reef adaptation can be seen here as already there are corals and shells growing on the hull. Big schools of snappers, jacks and trevally circle the hulk and myriad smaller fish shelter inside. Penetration is possible for experienced divers and the engine r...
Moray Gardenscuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 5 divers

Moray Garden

Dahab , Egypt

South of Dahab this beautiful shore dive offers the chance to see an abundance of stony coral, including yellow waver and raspberry coral. Clownfish, morays, nudibranchs and scorpion fish are always encountered and often rarer species are seen too . Be sure to go through the shallow sandy patch known for the yellow tail barracudas that patrol th...
Safty Covescuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 5 divers

Safty Cove

Port Stephens, Australia

There are numerous scuba site around Bondelbah Island and Safety Cove is the best. Amazing underwater topography including large caves and narrow swim throughs make this an inspirational site. There are often large schools of pelagic fish schooling close by - snapper most commonly. By diving down along the rock wall many blue groper, trevali and ...
Abu Dishetscuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 5 divers

Abu Dishet

Hurghada, Egypt

An hour south of Hurghada and two hours north of Safaga some of Egypts finest diving has been had here. The reef extends out from the shoreline and there is an old light beacon on top of the reef at its eastern point. As with many Red Sea scuba diving locations the water quality is near perfect and the marine life is abundant and brightly coloured...
Fingal Islandscuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 5 divers

Fingal Island

Port Stephens, Australia

If you like to scuba dive in a sponge gardens or you want to see handfulls of port jackson sharks then this is for you. The dive is quite simple and generally there are two parts. The sponge gardens where there are some beautiful and intact sponges and soft corals. Here you can also search for nudi branchs and several uncommon species have been s...
Daedalus scuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 4 divers


Marsa Alam, Egypt

Daedalus reef is almost 100 km southwest of Marsa Alam. It is around an island just 450 m by 100 m, with a lighthouse at the end. This site offers the chance to see four types of sharks (almost guaranteed) : hresher, Scalloped Hammerhead, Grey Reef and Oceanic Whitetip. Hammerhead sharks have also often been seen here - although shy many grea...
Neptune Islandsscuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 4 divers

Neptune Islands

Port Lincoln , Australia

Great White Sharks are seen here regularly throughout the year and a number of other large marine animals (dolphins, bronze whaler sharks, mako sharks, whales and seals) are seen here periodically through the year. Approximately 2 hours by fast boat south of Port Lincoln lie the Neptune Islands that are the breeding ground for thousands of seals a...
Terumbu Tigascuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 4 divers

Terumbu Tiga

Perentian Islands, Malaysia

Strong currents, clear waters and plenty of marine life to keep most divers happy for 3 consecutive plunges. Terumbu Tiga which means "Three Reefs" in English, is also called Tiger Rock or Small Reef, and it too is also rated as one of the top scuba dive sites in Malaysia. The dive site is usually washed by currents and makes an interest...
Crystal Rockscuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 3 divers

Crystal Rock

Komodo, Indonesia

Lots of colour, plenty of soft coral coverage and an array of tropical fish mark this as top Indonesian dive site. This islet only breaks the surface at high tide and is known for its crystal clear water; hence, the name “Crystal Rock.” Larger species like white tip reef sharks, eagle rays, leopard sharks and even dolphins have been pho...
Busselton Jettyscuba diving site
Avg rating 4 by 2 divers

Busselton Jetty

Busselton, Australia

A massive 2km wooden jetty, situated near the beautiful tourist hub of Busselton, is the home to some wonderful marine life that can be explored by scuba divers and snorklers. The deepest point is 10m and this lends its self well to a scuba diving nursery - where many people have learnt their scuba skills. At the end of the jetty the pylons are ...

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