Inner Latitude

Forster, Australia

Avg rating 4.0 by 6 divers

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scuba diving Port jackson shark
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    20°C - 22°C
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This is Forster's most popular dive site. It’s relatively sheltered and there is a high chance of seeing grey nurse sharks, moray eels, loggerhead turutles, blue groper, eagle rays as well as the more lionfish, port jackson sharks and numerous other fish. Local dive centres love this site for getting recently qualified divers the they just want to go back for more.

The dive site consists of a series of gutters that run parallel to Latitude Rock that creates a set of ridges that are inhabited by a diverse range of marine animals. The kelp covered ridges descend to about 12 meters in depth and navigating the site is relatively easy. Medium and small grey nurse sharks are seen swimming up and down these ridges throughout most of the year and although shy in nature they are curious enough to stay around divers for long enough to capture some great photos.

Loggerhead turutles can sometimes be seen sleeping in the kelp forests and numerouse wobbegong sharks can be seen resting in small caves at almost every turn. Moray eels, massive eagle rays, schools of catfish and so much more...

This site is a truely special scuba diving experience.

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Forster Dive Centre
Forster, Australia
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Action Divers
Forster, Australia


Last updated by Jezzer on 5/3/2011

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