Fingal Island

Port Stephens, Australia

Avg rating 4.0 by 5 divers

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scuba diving Port jackson shark
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If you like to scuba dive in a sponge gardens or you want to see handfulls of port jackson sharks then this is for you. The dive is quite simple and generally there are two parts.

The sponge gardens where there are some beautiful and intact sponges and soft corals. Here you can also search for nudi branchs and several uncommon species have been snapped here over the years.

The old governmant warf that collapsed and is now sitting on the sea bed here and is inhabited by plenty of marine life. Arround the remains there are often numerous port jackson sharks and sometimes its difficult to see the sandy bottom for the are everywhere.

As near as guarateen in the scuba diving world that you will find at least a handful of port jackson sharks. A great scuba diving spot and although predictable its worth a plunge or two.

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Feet First Dive
Port Stephens, Australia


Last updated by Jerry on 6/25/2011

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