Busselton Jetty

Busselton, Australia

Avg rating 4.0 by 2 divers

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scuba diving Busso Jetty
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    20°C - 24°C
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A massive 2km wooden jetty, situated near the beautiful tourist hub of Busselton, is the home to some wonderful marine life that can be explored by scuba divers and snorklers. The deepest point is 10m and this lends its self well to a scuba diving nursery - where many people have learnt their scuba skills.

At the end of the jetty the pylons are home to several soft corals and marine invertebrate. Nudibranchs and small crabs are always seen here. Schools of yellowtail scad and pike often hang like clouds. You’ll also discover starfish, crabs, shrimp, shellfish and small non-pelagic fish such as blennies, clingfish and other gobies. Occasionally, jewfish and samson fish zoom through.

Rumour has it that dolphins are also seen here sometimes. But due to their nature they very rarely hang around long enough to be caught on camera.

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Last updated by Jerry on 11/23/2011

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