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6 matching dive sites

Petaj Millnscuba diving site
Avg rating 3 by 4 divers

Petaj Milln

Cairns, Australia

Good coral Saw loads of Parrot fish Clown fish A big pinnacle which has a bottom at 18meters, swim around this down to the base then there are three smaller pinnacle with plenty of sealife and coral.
Tracys Bombiescuba diving site
Avg rating 3 by 2 divers

Tracys Bombie

Cairns, Australia

Tracy's Bombie is a peninsula jutting out from the Northern end of the reef. Tracy's is a very navigable wall dive with sharks resting on the ocean floor, and walls enlivened with an abundance of marine life. White tip reef sharks are almost always seen here, black tip reef sharks are also seen here. The real treat is the mass variety of little mar...
Pellowe Reef scuba diving site
Avg rating 3 by 1 diver

Pellowe Reef

Cairns, Australia

Pellowe reef is an awsemo place to scuba dive! Even by the Great barrier reef standards this is amazing. A small isolated reef located close to the edge of the continental shelf. For this reason access to the reef is very weather and tidal dependent. The reef drops away very quickly at places to 30 metres and stronger currents can be present as wel...
Petaj Poolsscuba diving site
Avg rating 2 by 5 divers

Petaj Pools

Cairns, Australia

Beautiful great barrier reef dive about 2 hours from cairns. Swimming alond the ridge and around the many large mounds this site is easy to navigate and offers lots of diversity. Guaranteed to see dozens of sting rays, clown fish, parrot fish, turutles and all the usual GBR tropical species.Large gropers are commonly seen at close quarters and whit...
Coral Villagescuba diving site
Avg rating 2 by 3 divers

Coral Village

Cairns, Australia

This is a drift dive, from the boat, Navigator (tender to Reef Jet) along the outer north-western wall of the lagoon, Starts or Finishes, depending on the tide, in shallows of about 5 mtrs with an incredible array of pristine corals: branching, plating, tabulating, encrusting, bouldering, digitates, lace, needle and much more than can be described!...
Gordons Mooringscuba diving site
Avg rating 2 by 3 divers

Gordons Mooring

Cairns, Australia

Gordons Mooring has endless intriguing coral mazes. At night the mazes close into amazing tunnels that change at every bend. Great wall dives, swim-throughs, overhangs and night diving. Expect to see an abundance of marine life combined with plenty of hard corals such as staghorn, table, plate and boulder coral heads and many species of soft corals...

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