Coral Village

Cairns, Australia

Avg rating 2.0 by 3 divers

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    26°C - 28°C
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This is a drift dive, from the boat, Navigator (tender to Reef Jet) along the outer north-western wall of the lagoon, Starts or Finishes, depending on the tide, in shallows of about 5 mtrs with an incredible array of pristine corals: branching, plating, tabulating, encrusting, bouldering, digitates, lace, needle and much more than can be described! This coral is of excellent health and colour, also flourishing with abundant fish life: all of the colourful varieties of small fish you can imagine! 

The dive then drops into deeper water, where the site name ''Coral village'' becomes apparent, as huge bouldering corals are dotted across the sea floor like the cartoon Smurf village! Living amongst this incredible landscape are Maori Wrasse over 1 metre long, Reef sharks, Sea turtles, Sea snakes, coral trout, the occasional Manta Ray and a Qld Groper approx. 2 metres long.

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Last updated by Finn on 1/5/2012

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