Shelly Beach

Sydney, Australia

Avg rating 3.0 by 9 divers

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    18°C - 24°C
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Shelly beach is one of the most popular shore dives on the Sydney's northern beaches because of its sheltered location that makes diving suitable for all levels. On a good day you will see plenty of wobbegong sharks, sting rays as well as schools of Eastern Pomfred, Mados, Goatfish in the sandy areas, Flatheads and often Ludericks, Bannerfins and Old Wives. The visibility here is the main factor determining the quality of the dive, as it ranges from 3m to 20m.

The best diving is found either on the right side or left side of the beach. And with good air consumption it is possible to see a bit of both sides, and when crossing between the two there is a discarded motorcyle that it worth a look at too.

Swim out with the rock wall on your left shoulder and after passing through plenty of shallow kelp there are some more open sandy regions at 12m that are home to numerous sting rays and wobbegong sharks. In and around the rocks moray eels, blue gropers and many more temperate marine life can be seen.

The best dives are generally had on the right hand side, by swiimming out with the rock wall on your right shoulder until the wall ends, then turn directly north and swim until you meet an isolated kelp bed. This is the spot where there are regular sightings of weedy seadragons, lionfish, giant cuttefish and some mature port jackson sharks. On the swim to the kelp schools of eastern pomfred and large schools pf juvenile catfish. Be warned it does take 25mins to get here so good air consumption is critical unless a 30min surface swim is your idea of fun!

Shelley beach has parking just metres above the beach (it's pricey and popular at weekends) and with all facilities (showers, toilets, BBQ) on location, this has to be one of the more pleasurable locations to dive.

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Last updated by Jerry on 5/2/2011

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