Wheeler Reef

Townsville, Australia

Avg rating 3.5 by 8 divers

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    20°C - 30°C
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This is a platform reef perched close to the continental shelf drop off.
Perfectly circular in shape, is a truly magnificent example of marine biodiversity at
its best.
There are crevasses to explore and isolated bommies surrounded by beautiful
white sand stretching off into the depths of the Coral Sea.
Spectacular formations of plate, branching and soft corals in brilliant colour are
teaming with a myriad of tropical life. Garden eels, lagoon rays, large shovelnosed
rays and shrimp with their co-host gobies are dotted around the seabed.
Huge grouper stack up in cleaning stations with spotted, lined and giant sweetlip.
Coral trout of all species, butterfly and angelfish, emperors and snapper are all
plentiful. Large schools of mackerel and trevally, dart, chevron and giant
barracuda all abound.
Giant morays and reef sharks add to the sample of life awaiting the diver at
Rated as one of the best night dives on the reef, moray eels, epaulette and whitetip
sharks, bull rays, as well as a myriad of shrimps and other crustaceans all await to be discovered by divers who like the dark!


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Townsville, Australia
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Last updated by Mr Caradoc on 5/22/2011

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