Garang Heng

Koh Phi Phi, Thailand

Avg rating 2.0 by 4 divers

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scuba diving Blue lined snapper
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    28°C - 30°C
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2 kilometres east of Phi Phi, Garang Heng is a submerged reef that has a great deal of marine life and corals that are in excellent condition. Scuba divers encounter twin-spotted sea perch, blue-lined snapper, schools of yellotail barracuda, gold-striped fusiliers and both leopard sharks and black tip reef sharks.

Often the site of some great night dives, but due to its distance from Koh Phi Phi often ignored in favour of closed dive sites.

The reef is made up of soft corals, giant barrel sponges, magnificent anemones and spectacular sea fans. All this makes for a magnificent backdrop to the underwater photographers snaps.

This site has seen less wear and tear from divers a a result of being out of range from Phuket scuba divers; which is only a good thing if you are staying at Phi Phi.


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phuket, Thailand


Last updated by Mr Caradoc on 2/4/2012

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