Chinese Wall

Similan Islands, Thailand

Avg rating 3.6 by 5 divers

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scuba diving White Tip Reef Shark
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Chinese Wall is named after the jumble of granite boulders stretching out from the southern point of Similan Island No. 4. The boulders drop down to 27m and their crevices are home to large giant moray eels and refuges for bumphead unicornfish. The eels are often being groomed by cleaner shrimps. The shrimps' claws pick off bits of algae, loose flesh and parasites; an act as much like doctoring as grooming.

To the west of the wall are coral gardens rising to 12m. In the shallows further to the west are more boulders forming crazy overhangs, swim-throughs, tunnels and caves. If you're lucky, you'll get to see the 2 metres long resident group of white tip reef sharks lurking in their hideouts. Also known as Bird Rock, Chinese Wall is one of Similan diving's best kept secrets.

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Last updated by Mr Caradoc on 2/4/2012

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