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4 matching dive centres

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Ulladulla Dive & Adventure Centre

Jervis Bay, Australia

lladulla Dive & Adventure was born in the beautiful town of Ulladulla in 2001. We boast loads of experience and have local diving knowledge dating back to the 1970?s! Our philosophy is reflected in our slogan - ?Just for the FUN of it!? and our enthusiasm is unequalled along the south coast. In 2008, we expanded our operations to include charters... view more scuba diving centre details for Ulladulla Dive & Adventure Centre
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Dive Jervis Bay

Jervis Bay, Australia

Our Dive Centre has been part of Jervis Bay for over 30 years. In that time there have been a number of different owners and a variety of different boats. However, the store has remained and continues to provide quality diving services for the novice, experienced and professional diver. Our aim is to make your diving as easy and enjoyable as... view scuba diving centre details for Dive Jervis Bay
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Ocean Trek Diving Resort

Jervis Bay, Australia

Ocean Trek, 18m live-a-board Diving Resort . Diving and snorkeling the waters of Jervis Bay, N.S.W., Australia. Providing Scuba Diving, PADI diving courses, nitrox, accomodation, photography shootouts, conferencing and school excursions. Jervis Bay is located on the South Coast of New South Wales, Australia. It is well known f... view full scuba diving info Ocean Trek Diving Resort
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Crest Diving

Jervis Bay, Australia

Welcome to Crest Diving and say g'day to the many residents living in the temperate waters of Jervis Bay. You can swim side by side with friendly Blue Groper or wonder at the beauty of a Weedy Seadragon or an Eastern Blue Devil Fish. All year round, beneath the surface, an abundance of amazing marine life can be seen by locals and visitors to t... see dive centre info on Crest Diving

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