White Rock

Ko Tao, Thailand

Avg rating 2.0 by 4 divers

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    20°C - 30°C
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Two large granite boulders make up the White Rock dive site; a haven for beginner divers to practise their new underwater skills. The site is near the twins and is famous for its previously large turtle populations, although more recently there have been reports of fewer sightings.

White Rock does offer a chance to see a few giant barracuda and some of the more territorial titan triggerfish as well as a good amount of the normal reef life - numerous bufferfly fish, parrot fish, wrasse and angel fish,

Night diving here is often a very rewarding dive as there are lots of nocturnal feeders, including the feather stars and many crustaceans.

The numerous dive centres often use this site to teach new divers their PADI open water around here.

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Last updated by Mr Caradoc on 5/5/2011

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